X MEN Magneto Max Eisenhardt Cosplay Costume

Gender: Women, Men, Kids
Characters: Magneto, Max Eisenhardt, Erik Lensherr, Mutant, Professor X, X-Men, Avengers, Superhero, Ian McKellen, X-Men: The Last Stand, First Class, Michael Fassbender, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Marvel Comics Superhero

the Helmet, red coat, all inlucde

Please choose your size according to the gender of character, or you need to wait longer time due to a special and customized order.

X MEN Magneto Max Eisenhardt Cosplay Costume
X MEN Magneto Max Eisenhardt Cosplay Costume
X MEN Magneto Max Eisenhardt Cosplay Costume
X MEN Magneto Max Eisenhardt Cosplay Costume

Source: X MEN Magneto Max Eisenhardt Cosplay Costume
